Counted Among the Disciples – May 12, 2024

“Counted Among the Disciples”Text: Mark 3:1-19Following our “Why We Worship” series, we return to our study of the Gospel of Mark. In this passage, Jesus appoints His disciples. Mark describes them as having three purposes; “to be with him, and to be sent out to proclaim the message, and to have authority to cast out…

Why We Worship: Communion – May 5, 2024

“Why We Worship: Communion”Text: 1 Corinthians 11:17-34We end our short series on “Why We Worship” by discussing Communion. In his letter to the church in Corinth, the Apostle Paul emphasizes the importantance of Communion and the need to take it with genuineness. We celebrate this sacrament each week in our service; it serves as the…

Why We Worship: Scripture – April 28, 2024

“Why We Worship: Scripture”Sermon Text: Acts 3 : 11-26We continue our mini sermon series on the worship practices of our local congregation at the Cape Elizabeth Church of the Nazarene. In today’s passage, Peter intentionally makes the point that the healing of a man unable to walk was not anything done in His own name,…

Why We Worship: Gifts of Praise & Prayer – April 21, 2024

“Why We Worship: Gifts of Praise & Prayer”Text: 1 Chronicles 16:23-34Worship is the practice of drawing near to God. Today, we begin a short series called “Why We Worship,” where we talk about who we are at the Cape Elizabeth Church of the Nazarene and why we worship the way we do. Everything in worship…

1 Peter 3:13-16, Deuteronomy 5:12-15 – April 14, 2024

1 Peter 3:13-16, Deuteronomy 5:12-15What do you think of when hearing that someone lives a “questionable lifestyle?” What if we are the ones who are called to live by this description? Guest preacher Pastor Kim Richardson joins us and asks these questions, using 1 Peter and the book of Deuteronomy to discover how living a…

Breaking New Ground – April 7, 2024

“Breaking New Ground”Text: Isaiah 43:14-21Today, the church held its Annual Meeting, where we celebrated what God has done in our midst during the past year. Pastor Tim read for us encouraging words from the prophet Isaiah, saying that God’s promises for His people are promises for us too. When God says that He will make…

Easter Sunday: Mark 16:1-8 – March 31, 2024

Text: Mark 16:1-8He is risen! On this Easter Sunday, we read the Gospel of Mark’s account of the resurrection of Jesus. The story of Easter is that God is pleased to raise one who is absolutely forgotten and rejected from the dead. This is our experience as well; no one is forsaken or forgotten. Each…

Still Breathing Life into Dust: Sabbath Work – March 17, 2024

“Still Breathing Life into Dust: Sabbath Work”Text: Mark 2:23-28We continue our study of the second chapter of Mark by seeing how Jesus responds to the Pharisees questioning what they perceive to be His disciples breaking the sabbath rules. Jesus refers to an Old Testament story where David, acting on authority given to him, was able…