Article of Faith #2 – “Jesus Christ”

Article of Faith #2 – Jesus Christ Date: Sunday, June 13, 2004 Author: Rev. Jonathan K. Twitchell Despite the somewhat bizarre weather we’ve had of late, it appears as though Summer is finally on its way.  Friday was my last day of volunteering in the school lunchroom until next fall, as the Cape  Elizabeth students…

Article of Faith #1 – “The Triune God”

Article of Faith #1 – The Triune God Date: Sunday, June 6, 2004 Author: Rev. Jonathan K. Twitchell Today, the first Sunday after Pentecost, is known as Trinity Sunday.  Trinity Sunday is a day in the Christian calendar which is set aside for us to reflect upon the Nature of the Triune God—Father, Son, and…

Advent #2: Peace – Following the Child – December 8, 2013

Advent #2: “Peace – Following the Child” Text: Isaiah 11:1-10 Isaiah’s vision of the Peaceable Kingdom inspires us to live into the Kingdom where enemies will be made friends. Despite the seeming evidence to the contrary, we stubbornly proclaim that the Prince of Peace has come, and will come again.  The image of the shoot…

Colossians #7: Submitted to Christ the King – November 24, 2013

Colossians #7: “Submitted to Christ the King”Text: Colossians 3:18-4:6We conclude our series in Colossians on “Christ the King Sunday.” Even as we consider the practical implications of Paul’s teachings, we are challenged by his broader point: to radically submit ourselves to the authority of Christ. As we look at a complicated (and sometimes controversial passage),…

Colossians #6: Clothed in Christ – November 17, 2013

Colossians #6: “Clothed in Christ”Text: Colossians 3:5-17In this sixth message on the letter to the Colossians, Pastor Jon looks at Paul’s image of a wardrobe, suggesting that when we are found in Christ and Christ in us, we are clothed with the attributes and qualities of Christ. This requires a complete wardrobe transformation, putting off…

Colossians #5: Hidden in Christ – November 10, 2013

Colossians #5: “Hidden in Christ”Text: Colossians 3:1-4Pastor Jon continues our exploration of Paul’s letter to the Colossians with a look at the first 4 verses in chapter 3. What does it mean that we are “hidden in Christ?” What does that tell us about the value that God places on his children? Pastor Jon draws…

Colossians #4: Alive in Christ – November 3, 2013

Colossians #4: “Alive in Christ”Text: Colossians 2:6-23The church in Colossae is being pulled in two directions: by those who would inject pagan practices into Christianity, and by those who would require gentiles to keep the Mosaic law in order to be Christian. Paul encourages the early church to continue to live in Christ, to be…

Faith Promise: Aim Lower – October 13, 2013

Faith Promise: “Aim Lower”During our annual missions convention, Rev. Gary Hartke shares about the three big rocks of missions: Prayer, Involvement, and Giving. Rev. Hartke is the Global Director of Nazarene Youth International, and came to share about some of the ways that God is using youth around the world in powerful ways.