Article of Faith #15 – “Second Coming of Christ”

Article of Faith #15 – Second Coming of Christ Date: Sunday, September 26, 2004 Author: Rev. Jonathan K. Twitchell Today we come to the fifteenth article of faith in the Church of the Nazarene.  We’ve been studying together this summer learning about the Nature of God, the nature of our sin, and God’s plan of…

Article of Faith #14 – “Divine Healing”

Article of Faith #14 – Divine Healing Date: Sunday, September 12, 2004 Author: Rev. Jonathan K. Twitchell If you turned on the television last night, you were probably confronted again with images of the terrorist attacks from three years ago.  You may have watched some of the coverage, remembering the numbers of lives that were…

Article of Faith #13 – “The Lord’s Supper”

Article of Faith #13 – The Lord’s Supper Date: Sunday, September 5, 2004 Author: Rev. Jonathan K. Twitchell Each week as we conclude our time of prayer, we repeat the words that Jesus used to teach his disciples how to pray.  We pray the Lord’s Prayer, not so much for the sake of the words,…

Article of Faith #12 – “Baptism”

Article of Faith #12 – Baptism Date: Sunday, August 29, 2004 Author: Rev. Jonathan K. Twitchell So far in our study on the Articles of Faith, we have looked at the nature of God, His revelation to us through the Incarnation and through Scripture, our sin which separates us from God, God’s plan of redemption,…

Article of Faith #11 – “The Church”

Article of Faith #11 – The Church Date: Sunday, August 15, 2004 Author: Rev. Jonathan K. Twitchell During my experience as a student at Eastern Nazarene College, there were very few times when I was reminded that I was a non-Nazarene at a Nazarene college.  You might think that I often felt like a bit…

Article of Faith #10 – “Entire Sanctification”

Article of Faith #10 – Entire Sanctification Date: Sunday, August 8, 2004 Author: Rev. Jonathan K. Twitchell Four-hundred-and-fifty years before Christ walked the earth there lived a philosopher by the name of Zeno. Zeno was best known for his mathematical paradoxes…situations that appear to be impossible or self-contradictory. One of his most famous paradoxes could…

Article of Faith #8 – “Repentance”

Article of Faith #8 – Repentance Date: Sunday, July 18, 2004 Author: Rev. Jonathan K. Twitchell It’s an ongoing battle at the Twitchell household.  We have a great number of beautiful songbirds that come to our birdfeeders in the front yard: goldfinches, house finches, red-winged blackbirds, orioles, and cardinals are accompanied by chickadees, mourning doves,…

Article of Faith #7 – “Prevenient Grace”

Article of Faith #7 – Prevenient Grace Date: Sunday, July 11, 2004 Author: Rev. Jonathan K. Twitchell It’s not a simple matter to adjust the Constitution of an entire denomination.  We don’t expect that our Articles of Faith could be easily adjusted to fit the changing times.  Since God is eternal and unchanging, and the…