Creation – Genesis 1:1-2:25
in the image of God
For me, these are probably the most important words in the Creation account. They don’t mean that God looks like humans in some anthropomorphic sense. But they do remind us that we were created with the capacity for love, and creative, and authority. Each of those attributes (and the many others like them) are reflections of the Love, Creativity, and Authority of God.
We are patterned after the God who created us. Every good thing that might be said about humankind is simply a reflection of its Creator. And every bad thing that might be said about humankind is a distortion or a tarnished reflection of its Creator. Among other things, the work of redemption is the restoration of the Image of God within us.
As we journey through Scripture over the next few months, we’ll read stories of those who (to various degrees) reflected the Image of God to a waiting world… and we’ll read stories of those who (to various degrees) failed to reflect that Image. And yet, throughout Scripture, we continue to find God’s grace at work, redeeming even those who fail to complete the role that God has given them to play.
In what ways are you shaped in the Image of God? How will you reflect His character today?
Blessed Redeemer, pure as Thou art!
– Thomas O. Chisholm