Daniel in the Lion’s Den – Daniel 6:1-28

Daniel in the Lion’s Den – Daniel 6:1-28

They could find no corruption in him, because he was trustworthy and neither corrupt nor negligent. – Dan. 6:4b

The story of Daniel and the lion’s den is one of the earliest Bible stories we learn as children.  Daniel gives us an example of unwavering commitment… a willingness to do the right thing regardless of the consequences.  When Daniel knows that everyone is watching, he continues to pray to God – despite the new law.

But it occurs to me that there’s something more remarkable in this story than Daniel’s willingness to do the right thing when he knows that his actions are being scrutinized.  Perhaps it’s even more significant that Daniel lives with integrity and diligence even when he doesn’t know that he’s being watched.

It’s said that integrity is doing the right thing even when nobody is watching.  Daniel lives such a good life that even when his enemies are trying to dig up all the dirt on him, they can’t find any.  I wonder if the apostle Peter was thinking of Daniel when he wrote these words: “I Peter 2:12 Live such good lives among the pagans that, though they accuse you of doing wrong, they may see your good deeds and glorify God on the day he visits us.”

How do you live your life when it’s being scrutinized?  How about when you think nobody is watching? 

“Called unto holiness,” children of light,
Walking with Jesus in garments of white;
Raiment unsullied, nor tarnished with sin;
God’s Holy Spirit abiding within.
                             – Leila N. Morris