“Giving Grace vs. Manipulating Magic”
Text: Acts 8:9-24
This week, we review the story about Simon the Sorcerer, a trickster magician who tries to take advantage of the Gospel and the disciples to gain power for himself. In an unconventional message, Pastor Tim expresses a concern about the number of “Simon the Sorcerers” that exist in the world today proclaiming the power of the Holy Spirit, but are after only one thing; resources which are not only our means of survival but also our means of giving and taking care of the people God places in our lives. As Christians, we are called to share the blessings of God with the community and world around us for His glory; it has nothing to do with what we are able to obtain on our own. As we continue to be the people that God has called us to be and take care of one another, we should do so with true diligence and eyes open towards where the Gospel is moving.