Healing a Blind Man – John 9:1-41
Whether he is a sinner or not, I don’t know. One thing I do know. I was blind but now I see!
Aren’t you glad you don’t have to know all the answers? After all, theologians have debated countless issues for centuries, and they still don’t agree. Wiser and smarter people than you and I face some deep questions and respond with theories, best guesses, and sometimes a simple shrug.
Wesleyan scholar and author Keith Drury once provided an analogy about writing beliefs in pencil, pen, and blood. In short, he suggests that we write our strong opinions in pencil, knowing that we might need to erase them and change them. Our convictions we write in pen, and while they might change, it becomes difficult to do so. But the core of the Gospel is written in blood–for it is the Gospel for which we are willing to die.
The challenge is that sometimes we get our pencil, pen, and blood confused. We are wishy-washy on the things that really matter… and we get in lengthy arguments and debates over the issues that don’t matter as much. The man who was born blind reminds us to refocus our attention on what is really important, “I once was blind, but now I see!”
What are the core convictions in your life? What beliefs are you willing to die for?
And O the joy that floods my soul!
Something happened, and now I know,
He touched me and made me whole.
– William J. Gaither