Mark 7:24-37 – August 18, 2024

Text: Mark 7:24-37Pastor Amanda Lawton continues our study of the gospel of Mark with two stories where Jesus heals those outside the Jewish faith. These stories challenge us as followers of Jesus to be boundary breakers and engage in the transformation of the marginalized so that those around us who are “outsiders” are welcomed to…

Provisions of Grace – August 4, 2024

“Provisions of Grace”Text: John 6:24-35Today’s sermon passage comes from shortly after John’s account of the feeding of the 5,000. Wanting more miracles to address more of their needs, a portion of the crowd asks Jesus what He is going to do for them next. Jesus responds to them by encouraging them to believe in Him…

1 Corinthians 9:24-27 – July 28, 2024

Text: 1 Corinthians 9:24-27In today’s passage, Paul uses the still-recognizable illustration of running to win the prize in a race. What is the prize in this race of faith? The prize we are seeking to win is to be faithful barers of the Gospel to a world which still needs to hear who God is.…

Mark 6:14-29 – July 14, 2024

Text: Mark 6:14-29Today’s passage from Mark tells of the John the Baptists’ death at the hands of Herodius and the powers of the world. Mark does this to foreshadow Jesus’ death, who, like John the Baptist, spoke prophetically and was not welcomed by the powers of the world. Pastor Tim also expresses some thoughts regarding…

Mark 5:21-43 – June 30, 2024

Text: Mark 5:21-43Today’s passage from Mark has Jesus on a mission to visit the sick daughter of Jairus, a synagogue leader. Jesus’ trip is interrupted by a woman who touches His cloak without permission and is healed from a twelve-year illness. Despite the delay in arriving to Jairus’ home, Jesus is still able to raise…

2 Corinthians 5:1-15 – June 16, 2024

Text: 2 Corinthians 5:1-15In today’s reading from 2 Corinthians, Paul talks about two different kinds of dwellings; the first is an “earthly tent” where we live in this world. The other is a dwelling built by God. While it can be read that this second home refers to God’s eternity, Paul’s expectation is that the…

Mark 4:1-25 – June 2, 2024

Text: Mark 4:1-25We return to our study of the gospel of Mark by hearing one of Jesus’ first parables – the parable of the sower. The sowing work is the spreading of God’s grace throughout the world. It is not limited to one particular area or just where we think it should be spread. Jesus…

The Holy Spirit Brings Forgiveness – May 19, 2024

“The Holy Spirit Brings Forgiveness”Text: Mark 3:20-35Today is Pentecost, when the Church celebrates the gift of the Holy Spirit. While the traditional Pentecost scripture comes from the second chapter of Acts, since we have been going through the gospel of Mark this year, today’s reading comes from Mark. It is the second time in this…

Why We Worship: Communion – May 5, 2024

“Why We Worship: Communion”Text: 1 Corinthians 11:17-34We end our short series on “Why We Worship” by discussing Communion. In his letter to the church in Corinth, the Apostle Paul emphasizes the importantance of Communion and the need to take it with genuineness. We celebrate this sacrament each week in our service; it serves as the…

Why We Worship: Gifts of Praise & Prayer – April 21, 2024

“Why We Worship: Gifts of Praise & Prayer”Text: 1 Chronicles 16:23-34Worship is the practice of drawing near to God. Today, we begin a short series called “Why We Worship,” where we talk about who we are at the Cape Elizabeth Church of the Nazarene and why we worship the way we do. Everything in worship…