Faith Promise Sunday: Devastated Places – February 25, 2024

“Devastated Places”
Isaiah 61:3-4
We are pleased to welcome Rev. Hazel Seavey as our speaker for this year’s Faith Promise Sunday. Hazel is the Director of Widow’s Ministries for the non-profit organization Heart of Africa. Among the most neglected groups of people in Africa, widows face daunting challenges just to survive, much less to provide for their families and make a contribution to the welfare of the community. Heart of Africa empowers African widows to fulfill their version of a better life by helping them grow Spiritually, be strengthened economically, and lifted socially. Hazel shares with us the many ways in which God is working through the organization and its partners to rebuild and restore the lives of these women.

For more information on Heart of Africa or to donate directly, please visit their website at

To see the video from today’s presentation, please visit us on YouTube:

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