“Jubilee!” (50th Anniversary Homecoming Celebration)
Text: Leviticus 25:8-12
The Cape Elizabeth Church of the Nazarene met for the first time as an organized church on September 17, 1967. On our 50th anniversary, we look at the Year of Jubilee as described in Leviticus. This purposeful celebration calls us to remember where we have been and where God has been. Just as the Israelites built altars to serve as markers commemorating an experience with God, our altar serves as a reminder of God’s presence through the body and blood of Christ, and what He will continue to do.
The entire service, which includes greetings from former pastors Rev. Timothy Kauffman and Rev. Dr. Jeff Barker, can be viewed on our YouTube channel or the “On Demand” video section of our website, capenazarene.org.