“Manna and Storehouses”
Text: Exodus 16:1-3, 11-30; Matthew 14:13-21
This week, Pastor Dylon Brown examines the wilderness experience of the Israelites in the Book of Exodus. During their suffering in the desert, the Israelites looked back at their enslavement in Egypt with a warped memory. Even when God provided them with manna amidst their struggle, they didn’t follow His instructions and tried manage it themselves. Similarly, when we’re in the wilderness it is easy for us to nostalgically paint over the parts of our pasts we don’t want to see or acknowledge, and we can also be tempted to take a blessing from God and turn it into an idol. As Christians, we’re supposed to be a people of memory, but we’re called to remember in a way that celebrates the blessings of God, mourns the sin of the past, and then moves forward with God, trusting that God help us today.