Praying Our Way to Pentecost: Faith Fail – May 15, 2022

“Praying Our Way to Pentecost: Faith Fail”
Text: Luke 22:31-34
It’s easy for us to think of failure as not having accomplished a task or met a goal. During this season of intentional prayer, we should not be discomforted or give up if we find that our prayers are not answered in the way we expected to be. In today’s scripture, it appears that even Jesus’s prayers for Simon Peter will be met with silence. Yet even though Jesus knows Peter will deny Him, He continues to call him “the Rock” knowing that God will still use him. In the moments where we feel like we have failed, God is still able to work in us and build upon the foundation of faith He has already given us.

The “Praying Our Way to Pentecost” journey includes daily scripture, a brief devotional, a prayer, and questions to consider. To participate in the Half-Million Mobilization, please visit or download the “Half-Million Mobilization” app in the Apple or Android stores.