The New Jerusalem – Revelation 21:1-22:21
Amen. Come, Lord Jesus.
Scripture ends on this note of certain longing – the hope of the return of Jesus. It’s a certain hope which has driven the Church for nearly 2000 years. We look forward to the time when Christ will return and set things right again. Our hope is not only eternity in heaven, but that God will set things right on earth–restoring, renewing, and recreating the earth that we love–beginning with the New Jerusalem.
Our E100 journey wraps up the same way it began – with a reminder that God is the Creator, that God is ultimately on the Throne, and that God desires relationship with His people. While humanity has been very adept at thwarting the plans of God, we can be confident that in the end, all things will be set right again.
This passage paints a picture of Eden restored – the Tree of Life bears enough fruit for all people, and God dwells in the city, walking and talking with His people. Once again, humanity will see God face to face, and there will be no night, for God is with us. The promise of “Emmanuel” will be realized for all of eternity.
In these days of uncertainty and unrest, be reminded that God has the final move… that sin and death will be ultimately defeated… and peace and justice will reign over all the earth.
Amen. Come, Lord Jesus.
When at last my earthly race is run,
I shall see my Savior’s face,
Revel in His love and grace
In that city where they need no sun.
– Haldor Lillenas